Resources far and near…
Why I meet with providers all over the world and how it helps my knowledge and practice grow.

Is crawling really that important?
Crawling- is it still an important milestone?

Breastmilk allergy?
Breastmilk allergy

Common questions, part 2
Common breastfeeding questions, part 2

Common questions, part 1
Common breastfeeding questions, part 1

Breast to mouth?
Is breastfeeding just a mouth and a breast?

What is postural stability?
What is postural stability?

How much crying is normal?
Just how much crying is normal?

What is normal and how can you tell?
How to know what is normal.

Can an older baby really get back to the breast?
Can an older baby get back to the breast?

What is your passion?

A Year in Review
A year in review

Updates for women and children
Changes for women and children

Making your team
Making your team

Fourth Trimester
Fourth Trimester

Medical Deserts
Medical deserts

Mastitis? Plugged ducts?
Mastitis and plugs
Tongue tie symptoms
Tongue tie symptoms: lip blisters
Tongue tie symptoms
Tongue tie symptom: clicking at the breast or bottle

Starting solids
Starting solids