KTLC Episode 94 CST w/Meaghan Beames (Copy)
Craniosacral therapy (CST) is something that few people understand. CST comes from Osteopathy and is a gentle, rhythmic movement to support bones and the cerebrospinal fluid moving within us. CST is gentle and focuses heavily on the head. Meaghan Beames is not just a practitioner of CST, but a leader and teacher, who wants to help many more providers learn this gentle bodywork to support babies. Katie Oshita and Meaghan Beames discuss how this gentle therapy helps with feeding difficulties, tongue tie, mastitis and more.

KTLC Episode 93 Breastfeeding in the AU with Kyrie Hickey
Breastfeeding is universal and lactation support is needed everywhere. Katie Oshita and Kyrie Hickey discuss pumps, providers and paid time off in Australia and how those things differ with what's offered in the US. Listen here for more.
KTLC Episode 92 Guided Releases with Dr Kundel
Frenectomies are much more common now, there are more providers learning and doing releases. Rarely though does anyone discuss or offer a guided release, many don't even know what it is or how it's different. Dr Kundel has been doing guided releases with Dr Geis (Ep 79) for years, they have learned together how to feel and listen to each other to get the most profound result for clients. Katie and Dr Kundel discuss how guided releases work, anatomy vs function, how to develop good oral function and Serrapeptase. Listen here for all the details.

KTLC Episode 91 Lactation & Skilled bodywork with Dr. Karen Garcia
It's not often you meet someone who has gone from a very allopathic profession to extremely holistic. Adina Popov lives in Romania and started her career as a Pharmacist. After having her children she felt passionate about lactation, studied and became an IBCLC. Still seeing so many dyads struggling with wellness prompted her to study traditional homeopathy. Listen as Katie Oshita and Adina Popov discuss why and how this radical shift happened for Adina and how she uses her holistic training to support new parents.

KTLC Episode 90 Anatomy of a Lactation Visit
Ever wondered what happens at a lactation visit? What does an IBCLC do with the parent and the baby? What types of visits are there? What is different for a returning to work visit or a visit with a tongue tied baby? In this episode, Katie Oshita addresses these questions and more, going into detail to help you understand some of the many things that can happen in a lactation consult.

KTLC Episode 89 From Pharmacy to Homeopathy w/Adina Popov
It's not often you meet someone who has gone from a very allopathic profession to extremely holistic. Adina Popov lives in Romania and started her career as a Pharmacist. After having her children she felt passionate about lactation, studied and became an IBCLC. Still seeing so many dyads struggling with wellness prompted her to study traditional homeopathy. Listen as Katie Oshita and Adina Popov discuss why and how this radical shift happened for Adina and how she uses her holistic training to support new parents.

KTLC Episode 88 Breastfeeding in Indonesia w/Ingrid Siahaan
Breastfeeding is a universal biological right. It is what humans have been doing from the beginning of time. While it is biologically normal, that doesn't mean it's easy. Some places in the world have more support than others. Indonesia has very few IBCLC's, bodyworkers and release providers. Listen as Ingrid Siahaan and Katie Oshita discuss the joys and struggles of supporting families navigating feeding issues without the necessary support system.

KTLC Episode 87 At Breast Supplementation w/Johanna Sargent
For many parents, exclusive breastfeeding is difficult and supplementation must happen. Many do what is referred to as "triple feeding" to breastfeed, bottle feed and then pump. It's exhausting and not sustainable long term. While many IBCLC's know about at breast supplementation, most are either too intimidated or not knowledgeable enough to teach families how to use it. Johanna Sargent is not only a huge advocate of at breast supplementation but also teaches IBCLC's about this method. Making breastfeeding easier and more sustainable is always the goal. Listen as Katie Oshita and Johanna Sargent discuss this and more.

KTLC Episode 86 Breastfeeding, Sleep and Supporting Queer Families with/Joy MacTavish
Most of the time sleep and breastfeeding feel like opposing forces, but they don't have to be. Joy MacTavish is an IBCLC and a holistic sleep consultant who supports families to balance both wants and needs of their growing family. Joy also supports many Queer families and addresses their unique needs. Listen as Joy MacTavish and Katie Oshita discuss managing all of these in ways to help each family thrive.

KTLC Episode 85 What New Parents Need to Know
In this episode, Katie Oshita addresses many of the topics new parents need to know about. From prenatal lactation to weaning, telehealth, and gut microbiome, lactation is a time of questions and concerns for most families. Many aren't even sure what to ask or when to seek support. If you have questions about skilled bodywork, galactagogues, or other new parent questions, this is the episode for you.

KTLC Episode 84- Breastfeeding T1D Babies w/ Erin Hayden-Baldauf
Type 1 diabetes in infancy and toddler years is rare, but when it happens most families are not just encouraged but forced to wean from breastfeeding. Erin Hayden-Baldauf has personal and professional experience with breastfeeding a T1D baby, and has written a book about the challenges this brings. All IBCLC's supporting families need to know about these signs, options and resources to support these dyads.

KTLC Episode 83 Lactation for the Rest of Us w/Jacob Engelsman
Breastfeeding, chest feeding, body feeding, bottle-feeding. There are many ways to feed an infant (this list doesn't even include cup feeding, finger feeding and more!). Gender diverse and queer families need unique support when expecting and as new parents. Their lactation consultant needs to be knowledgeable about inducing lactation with herbs or medications, alternative feeding methods and many other feeding options to support their needs. Jacob Engelsman has written a book not only to help queen families, but to help lactation consultants and other providers learn and support these families better. Listen as Katie Oshita and Jacob Engelsman discuss supporting Queer families in many different ways.

KTLC Episode 82 Bottle Skills with Susan Howard
Bottles are actually not an innate skill. Babies are born knowing how to breastfeed, and with many reflexes to support the process. However bottle are not like the breast (no matter how much the packaging claims it's "just like the breast") and it is a skill that needs to be taught and learned, by both parents and babies. Unfortunately most hospitals and Pediatricians hand out a bottle without any thought into the design, flow rate, or teaching the skill. Susan Howard works with a lot of bottle refusal babies, and has many classes for providers to learn more as well. Since new bottles are always coming out on the market staying current on new products is essential to supporting dyads with feeding. Much of the common "strategies" for bottle refusal usually make things worse, such as "wait until baby is very hungry" or "constantly wiggle the bottle to keep baby feeding". Learn more about bottle skills here.

KTLC Episode 81 Skilled Bodywork with Dr Rachel Kuperus
Being born is quite difficult and traumatic, even in the best of situations. It's hard- on both the parent and newborn. Chiropractic care helps get the dyad moving and feeling better, and this means breastfeeding better as well. Katie Oshita and Dr Rachel Kuperus discuss what skilled bodywork looks like for a newborn (**hint- it's not 5-10 min visits**) and how this helps with tongue tie, torticollis and feeding challenges. Supporting dyads through skilled bodywork and lactation leads to easier breastfeeding and calmer, happier families.

KTLC Episode 80 Year 3 in Review
Year 3 for podcasting is done! This year saw the end of constant traveling and instead a focus on international virtual travel. The recordings were with 10 IBCLC's, 4 Release providers, 4 Bodyworkers, 6 solo recordings, and 2 other providers. They spanned 6 countries- Ireland, Lithuania, Spain, Australia, Germany and Canada. Discussing and learning with providers across the globe helps to understand better lactation, tongue tie and the needs of families everywhere.
Katie Oshita also discusses the end to the year-long Holistic Lactation Residency by Jennifer Tow. Watching amazing providers in Connecticut- Dr Sharon Vallone, Dr Lenny Kundel and Dr Michael Geis- work together to support optimal function. Learning new holistic modalities and how to view health and wellness differently.
Podcast host: Katie Oshita, RN, BSN, IBCLC has over 24 years of experience working in Maternal-Infant Medicine. While Katie sees clients locally in western WA, Katie is also a telehealth lactation consultant believing that clients anywhere in the world deserve the best care possible for their needs. Being an expert on TOTs, Katie helps families everywhere navigate breastfeeding struggles, especially when related to tongue tie or low supply. Katie is also passionate about finding the root cause of symptoms, using Functional Medicine practices to help client not just survive, but truly thrive. Email katie@cuddlesandmilk.com or www.cuddlesandmilk.com

KTLC Episode 79 Guided Releases with Dr Geis
Having a bodyworker with hands on during a release isn't popular, but it has profound results. Dr Michael Geis, an Osteopath trained in Osteopathic Manual Manipulation and Cranial Techniques and has chosen to specialize in oral ties after dealing with his own ties and those of his kids. During the residency in CT for the Holistic Lactation course, Katie Oshita was able to watch Dr Geis guide an adult release with Dr Kundel. In this episdoe Katie and Dr Geis discuss but how a guided release can dramatically improve outcomes and how important buccal ties are.
Podcast Guest: Dr. Geis is a traditional Osteopathic Physician specializing in Neuromuscular Medicine (NMM) and Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM). He graduated as a member of the Psi Sigma Alpha National Osteopathic Honor Society with honors from New York College of Osteopathic Medicine in 2011. During his time in medical school, Dr. Geis was awarded an academic teaching fellowship with an extra one year focus on Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine and was the recipient of the Stanley Schiowitz Award for Excellence in Osteopathic Medicine. Dr. Geis completed his residency training and was the Chief Resident at one of the top programs in the country for NMM/OMM at St. Barnabas Hospital in the Bronx, NY. Dr Geis practices at Integrative Family Medicine of CT in Stamford, CT.
Podcast host: Katie Oshita, RN, BSN, IBCLC has over 24 years of experience working in Maternal-Infant Medicine. While Katie sees clients locally in western WA, Katie is also a telehealth lactation consultant believing that clients anywhere in the world deserve the best care possible for their needs. Being an expert on TOTs, Katie helps families everywhere navigate breastfeeding struggles, especially when related to tongue tie or low supply. Katie is also passionate about finding the root cause of symptoms, using Functional Medicine practices to help client not just survive, but truly thrive. Email katie@cuddlesandmilk.com or www.cuddlesandmilk.com

KTLC Episode 78 Staying Healthy in a Toxic World
In this episode Katie Oshita talks about how people aren’t healthy anymore- fertility rates are on the decline, pregnant patients are less healthy, children aren't healthy in their childhood anymore. Airway and movement dysfunction (snoo, swaddle, containers, then kids and adults sitting and not outside). There are toxins all around us- mold, Lyme, plastics, chemicals, VOC's. Our food is less nutritious due to less minerals in soil.
So what can you do about it- go back in time and use things that work- home remedies, homeopathy, nature, holistic modalities such as EFT, red light, movement, acupuncture/pressure and much more. Listen as Katie discusses not only the state of health in this country but what she sees in her own family and private practice.
Podcast host: Katie Oshita, RN, BSN, IBCLC has over 24 years of experience working in Maternal-Infant Medicine. While Katie sees clients locally in western WA, Katie is also a telehealth lactation consultant believing that clients anywhere in the world deserve the best care possible for their needs. Being an expert on TOTs, Katie helps families everywhere navigate breastfeeding struggles, especially when related to tongue tie or low supply. Katie is also passionate about finding the root cause of symptoms, using Functional Medicine and holistic practices to help client not just survive, but truly thrive. Email katie@cuddlesandmilk.com or www.cuddlesandmilk.com

KTLC Episode 77 Nat the OT
OT and Lactation can have a very complementary relationship however, sadly it's frequently a complicated relationship instead. In this episode Katie Oshita and Nat Udwin discuss how IBCLCs and OTs can not only support each other but support families for better results. OT is all about skills to "do your job" which can mean work skills for an adult, but for a baby their job is eat, sleep, poop, exist comfortably. In their OT practice, Nat sees a lot of fussy babies, with sleep, feeding breathing and regulation difficulties. There can be delayed milestones, impaired reflex expression/integration, and asymmetry. Nat sees many clients virtually, teaching parents how to use play and movement to help their child thrive. Working together with an IBCLC and OT isn't always necessary but when there are issues needing more support, the results are astounding.
Podcast Guest: Nat (Natalie Udwin) is an infant development, airway and reflexive feeding specialist AKA pediatric OT. On IG, most people know them as "Nat The Baby OT". Nat's home base is in Atlanta, GA but they also work virtually with families all over the world. Nat has a B.A. in Studio Art from Whitman College, an M.S. in OT from Milligan College and has been an OT for 12 years. They have specialized in infant development for 7 years now. Nat has a 4 year old son named Ari and enjoys anything in or on water, hiking, traveling, abstract painting and drawing and is definitely happiest outdoors.
Sometime around 2015, Nat's eyes were opened to the world of reflex integration, which completely transformed their practice. Finally, Nat was seeing skills were sticking and carrying over to other aspects of daily life that just weren't happening before for their patients. It was the "foundational" approach to therapy that Nat had been trying to figure out for years. After a couple of years of learning to integrate or inhibit retained reflexes, Nat began to ask WHY. Why were all of these kids retaining these reflexes from infancy into childhood? What was happening developmentally to change their trajectory? Nat needed to know.
So . . . Nat dove headfirst into infant development courses. They quickly learned about the importance of human connection and emotional regulation in early infancy, as well as the developmental importance of strong breathing and oral motor skills to support a lifetime of healthy growth. It was now all starting to make sense. The next step was to start working with infants, and to put all of this new knowledge to the test. Nat, alongside some incredible mentors and colleagues, has spent the past 7 years mastering their understanding of infant development to not only become an infant development specialist, but to create what is now the foundation of a holistic airway focused practice for children of all ages.
Podcast host: Katie Oshita, RN, BSN, IBCLC has over 24 years of experience working in Maternal-Infant Medicine. While Katie sees clients locally in western WA, Katie is also a telehealth lactation consultant believing that clients anywhere in the world deserve the best care possible for their needs. Being an expert on TOTs, Katie helps families everywhere navigate breastfeeding struggles, especially when related to tongue tie or low supply. Katie is also passionate about finding the root cause of symptoms, using Functional Medicine practices to help client not just survive, but truly thrive. Email katie@cuddlesandmilk.com or www.cuddlesandmilk.com

KTLC Episode 76 Dr Shereem Lim
Tongue tie is not a US phenomenon. Tongue ties have been known about and treated for hundreds of years, but in the last decade the field has dramatically expanded. Part of that is more recognition, part is epigenetic changes causing more tongue ties, more vaulted palates, more narrow jaws than ever before.
In this episdoe Katie Oshita and Dr Shereen Lim discuss tongue tie climates both in the US and in Australia where Dr Lim practices in Perth, in Western Australia. Dr Lim promarily sees infants, though does work with tied humans of all ages. Both Katie and Dr Lim are passionate aobut educating parents and providers alike for things can can both positively and negatively effect oral development such as pacifiers, solid foods and chewing, and nasal breathing. Listen here for more about the collaborative team approach across the globe.
Podcast Guest: Dr Shereen Lim is a Perth based dentist with a post graduate diploma in dental sleep medicine from the University of Western Australia. She has been involved in the team management of snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea since 2011. Dr Lim is dedicated to promoting airway health from infancy as an alternative approach to minimize the development of these problems, and is author of the book “Breathe, Sleep, Thrive: Discover How Airway Health Can Unlock Your Child’s Greater Health, Learning and Potential.” Her work in private practice is restricted to tongue tie management from infancy to adulthood, early interceptive orthodontics and myofunctional therapy.
Podcast host: Katie Oshita, RN, BSN, IBCLC has over 24 years of experience working in Maternal-Infant Medicine. While Katie sees clients locally in western WA, Katie is also a telehealth lactation consultant believing that clients anywhere in the world deserve the best care possible for their needs. Being an expert on TOTs, Katie helps families everywhere navigate breastfeeding struggles, especially when related to tongue tie or low supply. Katie is also passionate about finding the root cause of symptoms, using Functional Medicine practices to help client not just survive, but truly thrive. Email katie@cuddlesandmilk.com or www.cuddlesandmilk.com

KTLC Episode 75 Jeanette Mesite Frem
Most families in the US do some form of combination feeding, using bottles and frequently breast pumps. The sheer volume of new pumps, bottles, and other feeding supplies is enough to overwhelm most IBCLC's. To stay current on new equipment means either many hours researching, or taking a course from someone who did all the research and work already. Jeanette Mesite Frem is known in the world of lactation to be that person. Jeanette has spent years specializing in all things pumping and bottle feeding, has nearly every breast pump and bottle, and can explain all the pros and cons of each! Listen as Katie Oshita and Jeanette Mesite Frem discuss Jeanett'es deep dive into pumping, her soon-to-be-released study on flange fitting, and what the FITS acronym means in the lactation world.
Podcast guest: Jeanette Mesite Frem, MHS, IBCLC, RLC, CCE is an experienced childbirth educator, IBCLC-lactation consultant and retired birth doula. She started her career working with families while serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Côte d'Ivoire, West Africa in the early 90s. She loved that work so much she went on to receive a public health masters degree from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, focusing her studies on nutrition for maternal and child health. Her two children were breastfed for more than 2 years each and Jeanette has experience pumping at work for both children and has supported thousands of families with feeding and pumping over the last 20 years.
Jeanette provides prenatal childbirth and breastfeeding classes at her office in Northborough, Massachusetts, as well as providing virtual and office feeding consultations. She also enjoys leading workshops and speaking at conferences for lactation and perinatal health professionals and mentoring those who work with families. If you have questions, feel free to email jeanette@babiesincommon.com.
Podcast host: Katie Oshita, RN, BSN, IBCLC has over 22 years of experience working in Maternal-Infant Medicine. Katie is a telehealth lactation consultant believing that clients anywhere in the world deserve the best care possible for their needs. Being an expert on TOTs, Katie helps families everywhere navigate breastfeeding struggles, especially when related to tongue tie or low supply. Katie is also passionate about finding the root cause of symptoms, using Functional Medicine practices to help client not just survive, but truly thrive. Email katie@cuddlesandmilk.com or www.cuddlesandmilk.com