Professional Support
We all need a hand sometime
Professional services.
Prenatal Visit Outline
Prenatal visits are a great way to set a client up for success and usually to also set yourself up with more visits. Not sure what to say, this outline will break down what to cover in a 60-90 min prenatal visit.
Email for purchase. $50 or $75 for the prenatal set
Prenatal Care Plan
Most clients are overwhelmed during a visit. They don’t remember what you said to do, or not to do. Also, links to products, website and videos to help with learning are essential. This easy care plan is ready for you to personalize and send your client home with.
Email for purchase. $50 or $75 for the prenatal set
Professional Mentoring
We are all new at some point and need a hand up. Becoming an IBCLC was hard enough, but learning how to start and manage a private practice, now that’s brutal. But it doesn’t have to be. Mentoring visits can cover anything you want- how to set up the business, budgeting, creating social marketing plans, how to outline for a visit, care plans and more. I’m here for whatever you need.
Email to set up a meeting, $150/hr, packages available