Prenatal lactation visits for everyone!
I am a big fan of prenatal lactation visits. Frequently I will hear why not just take a breastfeeding class? Or just wait and see how it goes since it’s natural. Labor is natural too, but education, preparation and planning sure make it go smoother!
So what would you do at a prenatal lactation visit? First, it’s a great time to research and find a great IBCLC you can trust. It’s also a great time to check your insurance benefits. It’s much easier to deal with these things when you aren’t sleep deprived, with a crying baby and bleeding nipples!
What happens at a prenatal lactation visit? First I meet my clients virtually (after all, I’m a 100% telehealth lactation provider by design!) and frequently with afteroon/evening so partner can join visit after work. Then we start with your medical history, discuss questions and concerns you might have. We go through the first few days in detail, the the first 2 weeks. During a prenatal I rarely cover much about pumping unless exclusive pumping is planned. Focus is really on the first 4-7 days of life, what to do in the hospital, signs things aren’t going well and how you can make things easier.
Want to breastfeed your baby? Without bleeding nipples and weeks of unnecessary pain? Schedule a prenatal lactation visit today to set yourself up for success!