KTLC Episode 8 Marge Foran,

Marge Foran has been a dental hygienist for over 20 years and now is a Myofunctional therapist (and owner of Montana Myo). Since Marge typically works with clients over 4 years of age, we talk about how an untreated tongue tie in a newborn advances and what treatment options look like with older children.

Podcast host: Katie Oshita, RN, BSN, IBCLC has over 22 years of experience working in Maternal-Infant Medicine. Katie is a telehealth lactation consultant believing that clients anywhere in the world deserve the best care possible for their needs. Being an expert on TOTs, Katie helps families everywhere navigate breastfeeding struggles, especially tongue tie and gut/allergy related issues. Email katie@cuddlesandmilk.com or www.cuddlesandmilk.com


KTLC Episode 9 Jewel Mohr


KTLC Episode 7 Dr Jesse