Pumping is breastfeeding
There is way too much pressure on new parents, especially when it comes to feeding. People you know, and people on social media, comment on your feeding choices (while not even realizing that none of it might have been your choice!).
I just want to start by saying that first and foremost, however you feed your child, is how you feed your child. It may or may not have been a choice. Sometimes things happen and you don’t get the outcome you wanted. What you need to know right now, and I hope you hear this and know this every single day, do what is best for your family and know that you are doing your best. No one should judge you about how you feed your child!
I hear too often from clients who are exclusive pumping, they are told that they aren’t breastfeeding. This makes me SO angry. Parenting is not about a hierarchy for who is doing it better. It is not about making it look perfect, or doing everything “right”. There is no perfect or right. There is only what is right for your family in this moment.
Breastmilk is what your child gets from breastfeeding, so how would exclusive pumping not be breastfeeding? Exclusive pumping (EP) is a big commitment, it takes time away from your day, interrupts when you want to snuggle your baby or take a nap. EP needs to happen at night, takes time from your sleep. EP requires you to always have a pump and cooler with you. Exclusive pumping is NOT “taking the easy road”, it’s not “giving up on breastfeeding” or any other ridiculousness! Exclusive pumping is breastfeeding!
Know that if you are EP, I see you. I know how hard you work, how much time and effort you give to your baby. And if you need help with pumping, I’m here. Pumping should be 100% comfortable, it should be easy and only take 10-15 mins. If you are struggling with pumping, or just wondering if it could be easier, reach out and we can work together to make your pumping experience the best possible.