Tongue tie is everywhere
It’s so true that once you learn something you can’t unlearn it. Once you see something, you can’t unsee it. I see SO many tongue tie babies it’s my main speciality. And since I LOVE to learn more, tongue tie is also my main area of focus for learning.
As I have been traveling again I have been blessed to meet with 3 great providers already! Dr Katrina Mitchell, Dr Dale Tylor and Dr Alisa Sacker. WOW!! Three amazing, strong, knowledgeable women who are fighting for good care for families everywhere. All of these women consider themselves advocates for families (they definitely are!) and want to see women be heard and helped when struggling with feeding issues.
Each place I go, each procedure I watch, I learn more anymore. Dr Tylor taught me about buccal ties and how her treatment is conservative but as she sees so far working great. Dr Sacker taught me about how she uses a laser to increase healing and activate the patients own lymph nodes to have their body help itself heal.
As I sit and watch tv with my family, I can’t help but see open mouth postures, snoring, and all sorts of oral dysfunction. Once you see something you can’t unsee it!!
If you want to learn more about ties and how it impacts health, listen to my podcast (check out my podcast page).